Research & MRIs

1. "The Angle"

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A. "The Angle” reduces pain in the thoraco-lumbar, lumbo-sacral region. Supporting the hip flexors at a 45 degree angle reduces lumbar lordosis providing neutral positioning of the vertebrae in the lumbar region.

B. The weight and position of the lower extremities pulls the pelvis toward the “Angle” while the thoracic region rests in a stationery position. This creates gentle, passive tractioning of the intersegmental joints of the vertebrae and the soft tissues in the thoraco-lumbar, lumbo-sacral region.



A. "The Angle" provides neutral positioning and passive traction of the lumbar region, thus reducing the stress and pressure on the muscles and joints in the lumbar region.

B. Can be used in a variety of positions, providing several types of traction and upper body elevations

How it works:  Why "The Angle" Is So Effective

The majority of us have hip flexion contractures, i.e., an ilio-psoas muscle which has become shortened due to the amount of time we sit. The gymnasts we see who have maintained the flexibility to touch their gluteus maximus with the back of their head do not, needless to say, have hip flexion contractures. The manner in which one verifies a hip flexion contracture is by using the Thomas position as taught by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.

Because the ilio-psoas muscle is tight it becomes like a stretched rubber band when we lay supine and because the weight of the leg is greater than that of the abdomen, the lumbar spine is pulled into excessive lordosis and the result is discomfort. Notice that the first thing people do when they roll to their side is bend their hips and knees. This is the same position as when they are using "The Angle". Placing "The Angle" under the knees flexes the hip which brings the insertion end of the ilio-psoas muscle (one end of the rubber band) closer to its origin in the lumbo-sacral region of the spine. This results in less tension on the muscle and the lumbar spine can return to it's neutral comfortable position.



  1. 98% of patients found "The Angle" to be effective in reducing pain immediately
  2. "The Angle" is 4 times more effective than the competition 
  3. Patients reported 50% reduction in pain level within first 5 minutes of use
  4. Patients report dramatic, immediate and measurable results







2. The "Knee-T"  

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A. The “Knee T” reduces pain by holding the legs in a neutral position while in left or right side lying positions. This positioning prevents undo torsion of the femoral head in the acetabulm.

B. The alignment of the knees being parallel and the pelvis in a neutral position encourages the reduction of low back pain and a reduced lordotic curve. This creates gentle, passive release of the intersegmental joints of the vertebrae and the soft tissues in the thoraco-lumbar, lumbo-sacral region.



A. The "Knee-T" Provides neutral positioning and passive release of the lumbar region. Thus reducing the stress and pressure on the muscles and joints in the lumbar region.



  1. 98% of patients found The "Knee-T" to be effective in reducing pain immediately
  2. The "Knee-T" is 3 times more effective than the competition 
  3. Patients reported 50% reduction in pain level within first 5 minutes of use
  4. Patients report dramatic, immediate and measurable results






2. The Hug-T  

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1. The “Hug-T” reduces pain by holding the arm in a neutral position while in left or right side lying
positions. This positioning prevents undo torsion of the cervical/thorasic region..
2. The alignment of the knees being parallel and the pelvis in a neutral position, this position encourages
the reduction of low back pain and a reduced lordotic curve. This creates gentle, passive release of the
intersegmental joints of the vertebrae and the soft tissues in the thoraco lumbar, lumbo-sacral region.


1. The “Hug-T” reduces pain by holding the arm in a neutral position while in left or right side lying
positions. This positioning prevents undo torsion of the cervical/thorasic region..
2. The alignment of the knees being parallel and the pelvis in a neutral position, this position encourages
the reduction of low back pain and a reduced lordotic curve. This creates gentle, passive release of the
intersegmental joints of the vertebrae and the soft tissues in the thoraco lumbar, lumbo-sacral region.


1. The “-Dorsal Positioning Unit” provides neutral positioning and passive release of the entire region.
Thus reducing the stress and pressure on the muscles and joints in the cervical/thorasic region.


1. 98% of patients found The Hug-T to be effective in reducing pain immediately
2. The Hug-T is 3 times more effective than the competition
3. Patients reported 50% reduction in pain level within first 5 minutes of use
4. Patients report dramatic, immediate and measurable results


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